Thursday, September 29, 2011


1. How and where do you insert the memory card?
Where the battery goes, push the card untill it reaches the bottom of the slot

2. Where is the on/off button?
Near the bottom by the screen

3. Where is the Record button?
The bottom half circle button on the side

4. Where is the zoom?
above the record button

5. How do you playback video?
Go to mode then switch to "my works"

6. How do you enter the menu items?
push the power on then push menu then push settings

7. What are some menu features?
HD, Night shots, flashlight, effects

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


1. What is a Wide shot sometimes called?
Establishing shots

2. Give the definition of a wide shot.
Give an overall shot of the setting or story

3. Give the definition of a medium shot.
Give less setting but give more detail

4. Give the definition of a tight shot.
Give lots of detail, see lights and colors well

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


1. A little piece of an interview you put into your story

2. Just footage of whatever your covering

Monday, September 26, 2011

News Story

Name: Erich Bobka
Date: 9/26/2011
Topic: Internet Accessibility During Study Hall
Angle: Students wasting time
Script IN (for anchor): How many students spend their study hall wasting time?  Here is Erich Bobka with information on how students could better spend their study hall time.
Stand up:  In this age of technology, students often rely on the internet to do class assignments. Here at Eastview the internet is not accessible during study hall time without a pass to the cluster or media center.  So the students just go back to their normal homework method. 
1st Interview: I just go home and do it.
Segue:  Home still seems to have the benefit over school concerning the internet and little is getting done during study hall.  With computers now having wireless capabilities, it would seem the school should encourage new ways to access the internet. 
2nd Interview:  To make the internet more available, the school could allow students on the Wifi without a password.
Segue:   Availability seems to be the key, but would students take advantage of this during their study halls?
3rd Interview: If the Wifi was more accessible I would use it a couple of times per week.
Close: Hopefully we can find a way to use all of the technology that is available to make those study hall hours more useful.
Reporting for the Flash, I’m Erich.
Script OUT (for anchor):  Thanks Erich.  It sounds like easy internet accessibility is what the students want to make their study hall time more useful.  Be sure to watch for any future technology changes.


1. 2 die in U.S. Embassy shooting incident in Kabul

2. Afghan kills americans

3. Timeliness, Unusual

4. Interview witnesses, have standup live in the embassy

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Interviews 2 + 3

Interview 2
1. Does study hall time help you get better grades?
"Study hall helps me get better grades"

2.  How do you make do without having Internet always available during study hall?
"I make do without internet available during study hall by doing it the night before so I don't need a pass"

3.  What would the school have to do to make Internet more available?
"To make internet more available the school could allow students on the Wifi without a password"

4. If the school made internet more available how often would you use it?
"If the school made the internet always available I would use it a lot"

5. Do you think any other internet sites should be banned?
"The school already has enough sites banned so no"

Interview 3

1. How do you spend your study hall time?
"I spend my study hall time eating"

2. What tools could the school provide to make study hall time more proficient?
"The school should provide a microwave to make study hall time more proficient"

3. Does study hall time help you get better grades?
"Study hall time helps me get better grades"

4. Why do you think the school doesn't let you use the Wifi?
"The school doesn't let everyone use the Wifi because people would use it inappropriately"

5. If the school made internet more available how often would you use it?
"If the Wifi was more accessible I would use it a couple of time per week"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Opening Activity 9/23

1. Towards the beigging but not right away
2. The middle of the story, to give the viewer information you can't visualize
3. 3-5 key points
4. He is in a leauge with old players, he just recently got married, he is going on 100 and still loves playing

Interview 1

1. What tools could the school provide to make study hall time more proficient?
"Let you go to the cluster or media center without a pass"

2. Does study hall time help you get better grades?
"If you have a quiet study hall then yes it helps me get better grades, if its a loud one with all your friends then no it doesn't"

3. How do you make do without having Internet always available during study hall?
"I just go home and do it"

4. What would the school have to do to make Internet more available?
"Let you go to the cluster without a pass"

5. Why do you think the school doesn't let you use the Wifi?
"Cause people look up bad stuff on there"

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Im surprised to see that this man could only get away with $200.  You would assume that he would have taken a lot more since it was a bank.  You could probably get $200 for robbing a gas station which would have gave him a smaller charge.  I thought that was good quick thinking by the store clerk to slip in the dye.  Im confused though how the dye works and how it got all over the place, it must work really well.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

News Story (NEW)

Internet Accessiblilty During Study Hall
Students wasting time


I think that man was insane to jump over the fence into the white house's yard.  He didn't even have anything on him so I don't see the reason as to why he did.  He probably knew what he was getting in to.  Now he will probably be imprisoned for a year or so all for nothing.  I wonder what his motive was.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

News Story Topic

Internet Accessiblilty During Study Hall

A Student Viewpoint


She was the first black girl to attend an all white school in the south.  This is significant because the south was just becoming unintegrated, and most people still didn't like blacks.  Everyday she had to go to school being guarded to prevent being attacked by angry protesters.  This was the start to all schools having both white and black students. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

9/19 Questions

1. What is the rule of threes/filling the silence?
If you let there be silence in the interview the person will go on to explain more thinking you didnt understand them.
First they tell you the answer the way you want to hear it.  Be silent.  Second they explain their answer. Third they blurt out a soundbite.

2. Explain the non-question question.
just start talking to the person and them maybe they will bring up what you are looking for.


I think that it is really good that the Minnesota Zoo is starting to grow its own food.  It will probably save lots of money for Lancer.  I also think that the food will taste a lot better with being as fresh as it will be.  Maybe one day the farm will be able to grow all the fruits and vegetables that the zoo needs.  I think this is a great idea and that more restaurants should try and start doing this.


Friday, September 16, 2011


2 boys one 11 and the other 13 conducted a school shooting at their middle school.  They pulled the fire alarm then shot people as they came out.  They were armed with 13 different firearms.  Mitchell Johnson who was 13 and Andrew Golden who was 11 were the shooters.  I would take the angle of the other students and what they saw.  It is pressumed that the boys got the killing ideas from their gunclub and shooting at human targets there.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


The New York Yankees got the win against the Mariners and got Rivera his 600th save.  Rivera got a congratulations for Derek Jeter who has been his life long teammate.  I thought it was great for Rivera to reach this milestone.  I think he has and will continue to have a great career in New York.
The criteria, Timeliness, Prominence, significance.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Opening Activity 9/14

Recently Apple Valley has seen an increased rate in car vandalism.  Police encourage residents to lock their cars, remove valuables from the cars, and if possible park in the garage.  Police report that the biggest spike in the vandalism was between September 2nd and 7th.  Most of the vandalism occured overnight and lots of tires were slashed.  Police also say it would be a good idea to turn on your outside lights at night, and report any suspicious activity.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Opening Activity 9/13

I think this is both good and bad.  It creates competition for facebook which is good because it stops facebook from being the only place to play these games.  It is kind of like stopping a monopoly from forming over internet games.  I also see this may be a bad idea because it might not go far.  People are constantly on facebook to see what their friends are doing.  No one just sits on Google, so people could play games on facebook while chatting with there friends or you can play games on Google Plus and not talk to your friends.  I just think that it is the peoples best interest to play games on facebook.

Monday, September 12, 2011


In the last 10 years Al Qaeda's ability to carry out another attack has greatly degreaded.  We take terror plot tips more seriously now and follow up on every single one.  Our security screening has also improved greatly.  As we continue to take out Al Qaeda leadership we are just pushing them out thinner into other countries.  We have made lots of progress however it is getting harder to track the remaining leaders as they run to other countries.  This can be benifitial because they no longer have strength in numbers, just small pockets here and there.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Sherburne County is panning on laying off 17 sheriff office employees.  14 of them are correctional officers and 3 are part time staff members.  The reason for the layoff is due to a decline in jail inmates.  In 2006 more employees were hired due to the allowing of inmates to double bunk.  Now the double bunking is no longer needed.  They are guessing this will save the county around $1.85 million.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Short Stories

Derek has been shooting archery competitions for a while and has gotten pretty good at it.  However, one day there was an accident where his grandpa shot him in the leg with a crossbow.  Now Derek has made a full recovery and works at AMF Bowling.

Derek was accidently shot in the leg with a crossbow by his own grandfather.

Shot by grandpa

Article Summary

On Wednesday there were deadly fumes that caused one casualty and nine hospitalized people at a Georgia McDonald.  Authorities are guessing it was fumes used by cleaning chemicals in the bathroom but it is still under investigation.  On early Thursday morning one of the hospitalized people, an 80 year old woman, died from the exposure to the fumes.  After authorities said that the McDonalds was safe it was reopened.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Partner Interview

Derek has been shooting archery competitions for a while and has gotten pretty good at it.  However, one day there was an accident where his grandpa shot him in the leg with a crossbow.  Now Derek has made a full recovery and works at AMF Bowling.  Even though his grandpa shot him Derek still enjoys going hunting with him.  Derek and his grandpa also love watching TV their favorite things to watch are NASCAR and football.  If Derek could have any car he would chose to drive a Camaro.  Lately Derek has taken on the skill of beat boxing and has gotten pretty good at it.